Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find a list of frequently asked questions about The London Library Emerging Writers Programme.

Please note that most of the answers to these questions can be found in the Application Guidelines on the Emerging Writers Programme webpage and the most important things to remember are:

  • Read the Application Guidelines and Eligibility Criteria carefully
  • Follow the instructions on the Application Form carefully
  • Do not exceed the wordcount in your writing sample
  • Make sure your name is not on your writing sample or in your answers to the questions in Section 2 of the form.
  • We recommend NOT leaving your application to the very last minute. Sometimes the system can rebel against too many people trying to send applications simultaneously (usually a few hours before applications close) and the application may not go through. Please be kind to the system and to yourself.

How do I apply to The London Library Emerging Writers Programme? 
You can find a link to both the Application Guidelines and the online Application Form here. 

Is there an age limit on applications?  
The Programme is open to anyone of any age over 18. A question on the Application Form asks you to tick the box if you are aged 18-29 as we have one funder specifically interested in supporting those applicants, but we welcome applications from anybody 18 years old or over and there is no upper age limit.

I do not live in the UK, can I apply?  
Programme participants must be a resident in the UK for the entire duration of the Programme. If you are planning to move to the UK but do not currently have a UK address, please let us know within one of your statements on the Application Form.

I do not have an address, can I still apply?  
Yes. The form requires an address but if you cannot fill this in, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., let us know your circumstances and we will let you know what to do.

I do not live in London, is this a problem?  
The Programme is open to writers living anywhere in the UK. However, applicants must be committed to attending all Emerging Writers Programme events (which include peer support meetings) at the Library. We may be able to offer a travel bursary to enable attendance at events. This will be allocated on a case-by-case basis. You may also be eligible for the Virago Participation Bursary. See the bottom of the Emerging Writers Programme webpage for details.

How often and what day of the week are the Programme events?  
Events take place once a month and all events take place on weekday evenings. The launch will be held on the evening of 2 July 2025 and the end-of-Programme event is still to be announced. Events are generally held from 6.30-9pm on the third Tuesday or Wednesday of each month. Some optional extra events may also be added to the calendar.

What happens if there’s another pandemic/more train strikes/anything else which might prevent in-person attendance?  
The Programme is designed to take place as much as possible at the Library. However, it can be adapted to move online if required (as it successfully was throughout lockdown).

I have access requirements. Will that affect my ability to take part in the Programme?  
No. We will work with you to make sure your requirements are met so that you can participate fully in the Programme.

What kinds of writing do you accept on the Programme?  
The Programme is open to writers of any genre/form/discipline and our judging panel have expertise in multiple areas. We will be looking for a diverse range of projects, genres and writing styles when selecting the cohort of Emerging Writers.

I have applied for the Programme in previous years, can I apply again?  
As long as you have not previously been given a place on the Programme, you are welcome to apply year after year. Our judging panel is different every year, which means your application is judged fresh every year. 

I have previously published a poetry pamphlet. Can I still apply?  
No. Please note that this is a change from previous years, introduced to ensure that writers really are emerging. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have work published online/in a newspaper. Can I still apply?  
Yes. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have had a play performed at a fringe theatre. Can I still apply?  
Yes. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have had a short film made. Can I still apply?  
Yes. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have had academic work published by an academic publisher. Can I still apply?  
Yes. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

My short stories/poems/essays have been published in journals/anthologies. Can I still apply?  
Yes. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have previously self-published. Can I apply?  
Yes. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have an agent but they have not yet sold my book. Can I apply?  
Yes. But please let us know if anything changes.

I am a published author but I still think I would benefit from the Programme. Can I apply?  
No. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have a contract with a publisher but my book is not yet out. Can I apply?  
No. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

My full-length play has been commissioned by a theatre. Can I apply?  
No. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

My feature film or TV series is in currently in development. Can I apply?  
No. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have had work published before but it was a long time ago. Can I still apply?  
No. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

I have had work published before but it was a different genre to my planned project. Can I still apply? 
No. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer, which can be found here.

The project I want to work on during the Programme is a literary translation. Can I apply?  
Yes. Please do! We do not see enough translation submissions. But please make sure your submission is in English.

The project I want to work on during the Programme is a graphic novel. Can I apply?  
Yes. Please do! We do not see enough graphic novel submissions.

I have been writing a long time for pleasure, am I an emerging writer?  
We believe you can ‘emerge’ at any time or at any age. As long as you have not had your work professionally published or produced, you are eligible. Please see the guidelines for our definition of an emerging writer here.

Can I apply with more than one writing project?  
You can, as long as they are on the same Application Form. Only one entry per person is permitted.

Can I include more than one sample of my writing? 
Yes, as long as they are on the same document and you do not exceed the overall word count.

Can my writing sample be an excerpt from something or should it be a complete piece? 
You can submit an excerpt or a complete piece, as long as you do not exceed the word count. We recommend submitting the best example of your writing from your proposed project or something that very closely relates to your proposed project.

What if I don’t have an example of work from my proposed project?  
You can upload any sample of writing you like but please make sure it relates to your proposal – i.e. the same genre/form - and please make sure it does not exceed the word count. You will see in the Application Form, that if you are submitting something different to your proposed project, you can tell us a little about the piece you’ve submitted.

How should my writing sample be formatted?  
Please format your writing sample in 12pt font and 1.5 or double spaced. Please submit it as a Word document or PDF.

My script is in Final Cut. Can I submit it in that format?  
No. We will not be able to open the document. Please submit it as a word document or PDF. Also, make sure you don’t leave your name anywhere on your writing sample.

What happens if my writing sample exceeds the word count?  
Your application will be disqualified if you exceed the word count.

What happens if my name appears anywhere in my answers to Section 2 of the Application Form, or on my writing sample?  
Your application will be disqualified. This is to ensure the judges can judge anonymously. Please check carefully. And do not include your website or social media handles because that amounts to the same thing!

Aside from my name, what do you mean by identifying information? 
Please do not include information that, with one quick Google, will lead to us working out who you are, for example, the title of any piece of your work which is in the public domain, the year you won a particular competition, the organisation you run, the role you play on TV, etc. General information, such as your nationality or the area where you live, does not count as identifying information.

What exactly are the judges looking for?  
Primarily: great ideas; great writing; genuine interest in The London Library; and a clear commitment and desire to participate fully on the Programme.

Can I use the Programme to work on my PhD/MA?  
In theory, yes. But please bear in mind that you will be expected to fully participate in the Programme – which includes writing development masterclasses, peer support meetings and other gatherings. If your primary interest is in Library membership, please look into the different tiers of membership available. You might also consider applying for Supported Membership. The details are here.

My primary interest in applying is membership of the Library rather than the other elements of the Programme. Should I apply? 
Please do not apply if you are not interested in participating in every element of the Programme. You will be taking a place from somebody who could benefit more. You are very welcome to join the Library. If you cannot afford the full fee, you might want to consider applying for Supported Membership or we have a variety of other membership options which might be more suited to your needs or budget.  All the membership type details are here.

I am already a member of The London Library, can I apply?  

I used to work at The London Library, can I apply? 

The deadline has passed. Will you still except my submission?  
No. The online system will not accept submissions beyond the deadline. We receive a high volume of submissions and have a tight turnaround to get them to the judges so we are very strict about this. Please make sure you give yourself enough time to get your submission together and allow for last minute computer crashes etc.

…What if I have a really good excuse?  
Even if you have a really good excuse!

When will I learn the outcome of my application?  
We will let all successful applicants know the outcome of their application by 6 June and all unsuccessful applicants by 13 June. The Programme starts on 1 July.

Do you provide feedback on unsuccessful applications?  
We receive a high volume of applications so we are unable to give feedback. But you are welcome to apply again next time around.

I am not eligible for the Programme. Can I still join The London Library?  
The London Library is open to everyone. If you cannot afford the full fee, you might want to consider applying for Supported Membership or we have a variety of other membership options which might be more suited to your needs or budget.  All the membership type details are here.

As a membership organisation we take the security of your data seriously and as such we have upgraded our systems to meet modern security standards. The legacy systems had reached end-of-life and could no longer be supported. These upgrades mean you willno longer use your membership number and PIN to log into Catalyst or our electronic resources.

From now on, in order to access the full range of electronic resources and catalogue features you will need to sign up to the new Members Sign In service. This will allow access to all of our online resources with one set of account credentials.

How to Sign Up for Catalyst

  • From the London Library website, click on the Sign in to Catalyst link in the top right corner which takes you to the Registered Member's Login.

Catalyst Sign In 1

  • Then click the red sign up now button

Catalyst Sign In 2

  • Enter your 5-digit Membership Number (this is on your Library card) and your email address.It is important that you enter your email address using only lowercase characters.
  • Institutional Representatives will need to sign up to the new single sign on service using their 5-digit membership number and the email address they registered with the Library. Once you have created a unique password you and your Nominee(s) need to use this email address and password combination to sign in on subsequent occasions.
  • Then click the red send verification code button.

Catalyst Sign In 3

  • Enter the code that was emailed to you and click verify code.



  • When your code has been verified you can continue to set your own password
  • This needs to be at least 8 characters in length and could take the form of a passphrase, three unlinked words that are memorable and meaningful to you but to no one else (for example, redbracketscissors). You do not need to include any numbers, capitals or punctuation unless you wish to.
  • Click create



The signup is now complete and in the future you should use this email and password combination to log into the Library’s electronic services. If you forget your password, you can use the Forgot your password? option on the sign in page to reset it. 

If you have any problems with the sign up process, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be glad to help you.

Applications for the 2025/26 programme are now open! 

Applications are open until 11am on Wednesday 26 February 2025.

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme, now entering its seventh year, is a unique opportunity which offers writers, in all genres and disciplines, one year’s free membership of The London Library and includes writing development masterclasses, networking opportunities, peer support, access to and guidance in using all the Library’s resources and publication in the cohort anthology. With its rich cultural heritage, extensive open access book collection, dedicated writing spaces and its diverse community of established writers, the benefits of Library membership are invaluable.

For over 180 years The London Library has played a central role in inspiring writers and researchers, helping them explore and develop their work. From Charles Dickens to Sarah Waters, Charles Darwin to Simon Schama, Virginia Woolf to Kazuo lshiguro, Bram Stoker to Jessie Burton, TS Eliot to Raymond Antrobus, writers have found it to be an unrivalled resource. Previous members of The London Library Emerging Writers Programme have gone on to find agents, publishers and have had work produced for stage, screen and radio. See below for more information on previous cohorts.

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme is open to anyone over 18 years of age who is committed to pursuing a career in writing and wants to develop their practice. Applicants should be working, or planning to work, on a specific project, with the aim of publication or production, and have a clear idea of how they might use the Library’s resources to achieve that aim. They should be willing to fully participate in all elements of the Programme and immerse themselves in the writing community it offers. There is no application fee and participation on the Programme is funded (please scroll down for more information).

The Programme runs from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026. Successful applicants will be invited to a Programme launch on 2 July 2025. Sessions take place on weekday evenings (from 6.30-9pm) usually on the third Tuesday or Wednesday of the month and alternate between peer support meetings and masterclasses or workshops, all of which are designed to work across all or most forms of writing. The Programme will take place, as much as possible, at the Library, however some sessions may take place online. Some bursaries are available for those who need it to access the programme (please scroll down for more information).

Applicants will be selected anonymously by a panel of judges including: poet Rishi Dastidar (Neptune’s Projects, Too Young, Too Loud, Too Different); children’s author, novelist, scriptwriter and songwriter Maz Evans (Who Let the Gods Out, Vi Spy); novelist and short story writer Irenosen Okojie (Nudibranch, Curandera); non-fiction author, photographer and broadcaster Johny Pitts (Afropean, Home is Not a Place); screenwriter and director Benjamin Ross (The Young Poisoner’s Handbook, Poppy Shakespeare); playwright and performer Chris Thorpe (The Shape of Pain, A Family Business) and C&W literary agents Emma Finn and Lucy Luck.

Please carefully read through the Application Guidelines below (including eligibility requirements) before you submit your application. Applications which do not follow the guidelines will not be considered. You can also find a comprehensive set of FAQs below. If you still have any questions regarding your application, please contact the Programme Team, on 0207 766 4765 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

And to hear from and meet former participants of the Programme, book your tickets for our Emerging Writers Programme Showcase on 13 February, featuring Katie Buckley, Timothy Fox, Alexis Keir, Temi Majekodunmi, Gita Raleigh and Lucy Steeds in conversation with Bidisha. 

Applications close at 11am on Wednesday 26 February 2025.

We look forward to receiving your application and good luck!

Apply Online

Application Guidelines


Meet the Judges

(N.B. If you are unable to access the form, it may help to go through a different network [3G or 4G] or try switching off your web protect security setting.)

Programme Funding

The 2025/26 Emerging Writers Programme is only possible because of generous support from partners and donors, including The Charlotte Aitken Trust, Hawthornden Foundation, Bloomsbury Publishing. 

Two bursary funds are available to support members of the cohort who may face financial, health, or any other barriers that would prevent them fully accessing the Programme. The Emerging Writers Programme Access Bursary helps support those participants most in need and the Virago Participation Bursary has been generously funded by Virago Press to support Black women and Black writers from under-represented genders.

The 2024/25 London Library Emerging Writers Programme is only possible because of the generous support the Library has received from Bloomsbury Publishing, The Charlotte Aitken Trust, the Garrick Charitable Trust, John & Kiendl Gordon, Sir Max Hastings, Hawthornden Foundation, The International Friends of The London Library, Gretchen & James Johnson, Simon Lorne, Robert MacLeod, the Julio and Maria Marta Nuñez Memorial Fund, Jerzy Peterkiewicz Educational Foundation, Deborah Goodrich Royce, Sarah & Hank Slack and other anonymous donors. If you are interested in supporting the Emerging Writers Programme please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or donate online.

















We are delighted to publish the second volume of New Voices Rise, an anthology of exciting new writing by participants from the second cohort of The London Library's Emerging Writers Programme 2020/21.

Contributors for the new anthology are: 

Gaar Adams, Ayad Andrews, Krystle Zara Appiah, Helen Bain, Naina Bajekal, Marta Bausells, Zakia Carpenter-Hall, Flora Carr, Sarah Clegg, Chez Cotton, Benjamin Cusden, Beth Emery, Charlotte Forfieh, Russell Franklin, Marina Gerner, Carole Hailey, Lucian Huxley Smith, Daniel Marc Janes, Aaron Kilercioglu, Lanikai Krishnadasan Torrens, Lily Levinson, Freya Mavor, Shakira Moise, Nancy Netherwood, Charlotte Newman, Yosola Olorunshola, Anna Parker, Hannah Partos, Kate Perry, Amy Powell Yeates, Natalie Rule, Lisa Smith, Ana Soria, Natalie Whittaker, Matt Wixey and Nathan Lucky Wood.

New Voices Rise vol II is available as a PDF, an eBook on Kindle (costing £2) and you can view it here on Issuu.

Download as PDF

Purchase as eBook



You can also enjoy reading New Voices Rise vol 1, featuring writing by the inaugural cohort of The London Library Emerging Writers Programme 2019/2020. 

With contributions from 35 writers spanning prose to poetry, non-fiction to YA, stage to screen, this is a feast of words and creativity from an exciting array of bright new talent.  

Featuring work by: Bebe Ashley, Isabelle Baafi, Alex-David Baldi, Erika Banerji, Carmina Bernhardt, Helen Bowell, Megan Buskey, Sian Chaney-Price, Hattie Clarke, Abass Collier, Swithun Cooper, Natasha Cutler, L M Dillsworth, Joanna Dobson, Karim Flint, Emily Ruth Ford, Anita Goveas, Alice Hughes, Anna Kahn, L Kiew, Lou Kramskoy, Madi Maxwell-Libby, P T McCarthy, Amber Medland, Carly Minsky, Qudsia Mirza, Mónica Parle, Xenobe Purvis, Mandy Rabin, Sabrina Richmond, Laura Sanchez, Lucy Steeds, Deborah Torr, Mia Vigar and Jeremy Wikeley.


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Read on Issuu

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