Access to the Art History Research database is through the link below but please be advised that you will be prompted for a username and password.
Please use the username and password below in order to gain full access.
Username: Arlis
Password: 2021
Access to the British Newspaper Archive is through the link at the bottom of this page. In addition to being signed in on the Library's homepage you will need to register separately on the British Newspaper Archive website in order to view your search results.
Registration is a very simple process and need only be done once.
- Follow the link at the bottom of this page to the British Newspaper Archive
- click on the register button on the menu bar at the top of the screen
- fill in your name and email address
- choose a password
You will receive an email to confirm that the registration process is complete. On subsequent visits you will need to use the email address and password you chose to sign in to view your search results. If you chose the option remember me at sign in, your browser will retain your details and should sign you in automatically.
The London Library will not be able to reset your password for this site should you forget it. However, you will be able to reset your password by clicking on forgotten password? in the BNA sign in box and following the instructions.
New Voices Rise: Poetry
Isabelle Baafi - Gravida
The following videos will help you to use and navigate the new Catalyst system. You can also download PDF guides to assist you.
Guide to searching the print materials
Please note, if you are experience a 'Log in failed' message when you sign in please ensure you have removed any capital letters from your email address.