A reminder that as part of phase one of the recently announced Building Connections Campaign, we will be carrying out a project to make changes to the collections held in our basement.
In addition to creating a back-of-house catering kitchen to support Library events and venue hire, we plan to create a space to more securely house the Library’s Archive, a selection of older and more fragile books from our open shelves, and an invigilation space for members to view items held in closed access.
In order to create the space for this project, we need to remove some of our collection to off-site store.These are proposed to be the foreign language periodicals and foreign language society publications held in the basement, together with some periodical titles that have been cancelled since 2010.
A full list of the titles proposed to be moved to off-site store is available at the Issue Desk or by email.
Members may request a copy of the list and comment on these proposals by Wednesday 31 July, by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The scheme is a unique opportunity which offers state schools fully subsidised school membership of the Library for the full year. With its unparalleled collection of around 1 million volumes spanning 200 subject areas, unlimited access to around 1,000 online journals and beautiful workspaces, membership is a brilliant resource for any school, particularly for the EPQ and independent research.
We currently have over 60 schools in membership, many of which use the Library on a regular basis and benefit from bespoke support with study and research needs, ranging from EPQ group study sessions organised by our knowledgeable Librarian staff, to help with the research needs of individual students. Here’s what one of our school’s members says about their membership:
“The London Library is an amazing resource for our students and offers them access to resources that they would not usually be able to use, which helps with developing their independent study skills for university. Having access to new resources allows students to widen their interpretations in coursework and in their studies in general which will help in their studies, and could even help to improve their grades."
And here's what one of our subsidised school's pupils thinks of the Library:
"I really enjoyed my time in the London Library. Not only was it helpful to my research, but it was amazing to explore such a unique place.
There were books about absolutely everything. It was really easy to find many books about a single subject and I found these books extremely useful to my research."
Applications close on Monday 1 July 2024.
Read more: The London Library Subsidised Schools Membership Scheme is now open for applications
As part of phase one of the recently announced Building Connections Campaign, we will be carrying out a project to make changes to the collections held in our basement. In addition to creating a back-of-house catering kitchen to support Library events, we plan to create a space to more securely house the Library’s Archive, a selection of older and more fragile books from our open shelves, and an invigilation space for members to view items held in closed access.
In order to create the space for this project, we need to remove some of our collection to off-site store. These are proposed to be the foreign language periodicals and foreign language society publications held in the basement, together with some periodical titles that have been cancelled since 2010. A full list of the titles proposed to be moved to off-site store is available at the Issue Desk.
Members may comment on these proposals by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Announcing The London Library Capital Campaign: Building Connections
I am delighted to present our proposed building improvement plans for The London Library, ahead of applying for planning permission this summer.
Building on the Library’s achievements over recent years, our plans aim to further increase the opportunity for literary inspiration and connection by improving access to the collection and facilitating the sharing of ideas. They will enrich the membership experience, nurture our creative community, and help safeguard the future of our much-loved institution.
Throughout its 180-year history, the Library has made substantial changes to its premises. From a complete reconstruction in 1896, to the award-winning restoration of our Art Room in 2010, the ethos of the Library has always been maintained, and an awareness of our founding principles remains central to our current approach.
We are continuing to work with architects Haworth Tompkins, who have a longstanding and acclaimed history with the Library and who fully understand the need to minimise disruption to normal Library operations during the delivery of the improvements. We are all committed to maintaining the services and space for quiet contemplation that we know are so deeply appreciated by our members.
A fundraising campaign dedicated to raising the required funds is being led by the Library’s Development Department, overseen by our Chair of Trustees.
Visit our website where you can learn more about the project and share your views.
The London Library Capital Campaign: Building Connections
Thank you in advance for your feedback and support.
Philip Marshall, Director
Read more: Announcing The London Library Capital Campaign: Building Connections