The Library's building may be closed but our Acquisitions department have been busy adding to the Library's collection over the last couple of months. Over 680 new titles have been catalogued, plus there are over 170 titles which have been purchased during the lockdown period and are awaiting cataloguing, and 367 books are awaiting ordering. All of our new books can be requested or placed on hold via Catalyst.

Books have been added across the Library's shelfmarks, from Architecture to Topography and everything in between. Titles of note include Orwell: A Man of our Time by Richard George Bradford in Biog; Grayson Perry: The Pre-Therapy Years edited by Catrin Jones and Chris Stephens in A. Pottery which is the first book to concentrate on Perry's early work; and The Girl with the Louding Voice in Fiction, 4to. which is the debut novel from London Library Emerging Writer Abi Daré.

Many thanks to members for suggesting books, if you'd like us to add a book to our collection please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.